
Introduction to Chemical Peels

If you open any beauty magazine today, you will probably read about celebrities and their Chemical Peels as a secret ingredient to radiant skin. The articles are correct, and we’re here to tell you that you can write your own incredible story with the VI Peel offered at Revive Medical Spa. While regular Chemical Peels can dramatically improve the tone and texture of your skin, they often come at the cost of a painful process and a lengthy recovery time. Our revolutionary VI Peel treatment is done by expert Ardis Schmitt, RN, and can effectively reverse sun damage, dark pigmentation, and smooth wrinkles without causing any discomfort or requiring extensive downtime. Located in Farmington Hills, Michigan, and serving the greater Detroit area, Revive Medical Spa is dedicated to helping men and women achieve their aesthetic goals with personalized care and attention via our VI Peels and Chemical Peels. Keep reading to learn more about how this easy treatment can give you cover photo skin, and schedule an appointment for your VI Peel to take the first step towards a new radiant, and rejuvenated self.
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What is a VI Peel?

A VI Peel is a type of Chemical Skin Treatment commonly used to lighten sun-damaged skin and diminish dark spots and irregular pigmentation, like acne scars. The VI Peel is different from other Chemical Peels because it’s practically painless, and recovery time is significantly shorter. The process makes the top layers of your skin – the ones most visibly damaged by the sun, aging, or acne – peel off to reveal healthier tissue underneath.

Who are the Best Candidates for Chemical Peels?

VI Peels and Chemical Peels are generally suitable for most people who live in Michigan that want to improve the appearance of their skin. However, there are certain factors that can make someone a better candidate for Chemical Peels of all kinds. These include:
  • People with sun-damaged skin
  • Individuals with acne
  • People with hyperpigmentation
  • Individuals with dull or aging skin

What’s the First Step?

When it comes to achieving youthful and radiant skin, the VI Peel is an absolute game-changer. At Revive Medical Spa, we’re proud to offer this powerful anti-aging  Chemical Peel to men and women in the Farmington Hills area and beyond. If you’re interested in getting a VI Peel, the first step is to schedule a consultation with Ardis Schmit, RN. During your appointment, Ardis will listen to your skincare concerns, ask questions about your medical history, and evaluate your skin to determine if a VI Peel is the right option for you. It’s essential to be honest and open during this process, as this will ensure safe and effective treatment. Once Ardis creates your personalized treatment plan, you can schedule your VI Peel session immediately or at a later date that’s convenient for you.

What to Expect on the Day of Chemical Peels

On the day of your appointment, we aim to have you feeling like it’s a pampered spa experience. The VI Peel is a simple 7-day process that begins in the office, after which you return to your daily activities as it continues to improve your skin. On the first day, Ms. Schmitt, RN applies a specialized solution to your face. Depending on your concerns – wrinkles, acne, pores, or sun damage – she uses a customized peel for your conditions. After the peel, your skin appears slightly tinted, as if you’ve been in the sun. You can still run errands, return to work, or continue daily activities without a problem, although you should avoid direct sun exposure. The day after your VI Peel, your skin will feel tight, but you most likely won’t be peeling yet. You want to avoid the sun each day after your peel so your skin has time to heal. On the third day, peeling usually begins around your mouth. If you feel comfortable going out in public, then do so, but be sure not to pick at your peeling skin. On the fourth and fifth days, your skin peels the most, so it’s important to use the SPF 50+ that comes with your aftercare products to ensure that you protect your delicate skin if you go outside. By the sixth day, the peeling process should be mostly complete and you will notice fresher, younger-looking skin. On day seven, you have a glowing, more radiant appearance and a noticeable difference in problem areas.
Woman looking out the window - Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels Recovery

Throughout the recovery process from your VI Peel, it’s essential to keep your skin hydrated with the recommended aftercare products provided by our providers. You should also avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin from further damage.

How Much Does Chemcial Peels Cost in Detroit, MI?

The cost of Chemical Peels or VI Peels in Detroit, MI, can vary depending on the type of peel, and the location. Some more advanced peels may cost higher per session. It’s important to note that multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve desired results. It’s best to schedule a consultation so we can discuss your specific needs and receive an accurate quote for the cost of your VI Peels experience. To get the most up to date pricing check out our Reward’s Program and take advantage of rewards for visits & purchase, birthday gifts, and membership only offers.

Why Choose Us?

Revive Medical Spa is a top-notch clinic that specializes in providing exceptional non-surgical aesthetic treatments, including VI Peels. Under the guidance of Ardis Schmit, RN, BSN, a highly qualified and experienced individual. Ardis has undergone extensive training in advanced skin treatments and holds certifications in various fields. Ardis takes a personalized approach to every patient, thoroughly evaluating their condition and creating a customized treatment plan to help them achieve their desired results with VI Peels. With Revive Medical Spa, you can transform your skin and achieve your beauty goals on a high level, which is what keeps us a top destination in the state of Michigan.

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