So why is this different, why no rubber band snaps on your skin for an hour, how can it do all skin types, and why no stinky hair smell? Because new medical technology has arrived that allows for a different approach to all the past lasers. The hand piece is cooled so as you receive the treatment it feels like cool glass rolling over your skin. The alexandrite laser delivery does not excite the melanocytes which can cause hyperpigmentation so – all skin types can be treated. The spot size is very large so it can treat large areas more quickly. The delivery is so fast that when we did my face and underarms it took under 3 minutes. In many cases we have found that four treatments removed the unwanted hair. That is amazing, and for those of you that already know me you know, I will only bring you no BS, tested and proven medical technology that does what it’s claimed to do. Otherwise I won’t offer it so we won’t waist our time and money.
Ardis Schmitt, RN
RN, BSN, and CEO Of Revive Medical Spas