Revive IV Vitamin Drip Therapy

IV Vitamin Drips – The B Vitamin Group includes Folic Acid (B9) and Biotin (B7). Biotin supports your skin, bone, hair, nails and teeth. Folic Acid (B9) is an essential vitamin (you must take this because your body requires it and does not produce it) and supports new cell, DNA, RNA and red blood cell production. Long term supplementation is also associated with reductions in the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease.

Cold and flu season are here. Don’t wait to get your Vitamin C Immunity Drip. The best time is to this is before you get sick.

Vitamins are essential nutrient that we obtain from various food or supplementary sources. However, the main problem with oral vitamin sources is that only a small percentage is absorbed by the body.

With vitamin IV therapy, vitamins are administered directly into the blood stream. In this way, you can get a high dose of the vitamin without experiencing any side effects. The main benefit of getting vitamins through IV therapy is that it bypasses the gastrointestinal route. As a result, the concentration of the vitamin that gets absorbed is much higher through intravenous administration as compared to oral administration.  This results in amplified benefits.

Ardis Schmitt, RN RN, BSN, and CEO Of Revive Medical Spas
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